[wadalabfont-kit] / skeleton-edit / oldtmp.l  

View of /skeleton-edit/oldtmp.l

Parent Directory | Revision Log
Revision: 1.1 - (download) (annotate)
Fri Jun 27 00:52:12 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by ktanaka
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: SNAP-20040518, SNAP-20030702, SNAP-20030630, HEAD
*** empty log message ***
   (put-winprop kumiawase 'button-press-handler
		#'(lambda (win code x y)
		    (select-window win code x y)
		    (let ((name (read-string-from-kinput skeleditor)))
		      (if (> (string-length name) 2)
			  (setq name (substring name 0 2)))
		      (setq name (intern name))
		      (print name)
		      (cond ((boundp name)
			     (setf (window-cursor editor) please-wait-cursor)
			     (setf (window-cursor win)    please-wait-cursor)
			     (display-force-output (window-display editor))
			     (draw-nikuduked-skeleton editor
						     (applykanji name)
			     (setf (window-cursor editor) hair-cross-cursor)
			     (setf (window-cursor win)    roupe-cursor))
			     (beep editor))))))
   (put-winprop sub-prim-edit 'button-press-handler
		#'(lambda (win code x y)
		    (when edittee-sub-primitives
		      (select-window win code x y)
		      (setq %sub-primitive-name% nil)
		      (put-winprop editor 'motion-notify-handler
				   #'(lambda (win x y)
				       (nearest-sub-primitive-boxed win x y)))
		       editor 'button-press-handler
		       #'(lambda (win code x y)
			   (let ((next (sub-primitive-info-current-xy x y)))
			     (save-edittee-to-file output-file-name
			     (initialize-edittee (car next)))))
		      (setf (window-event-mask editor)
   (put-winprop motohe-modoru 'button-press-handler
		#'(lambda (win code x y)
		    (print edittee-history)
		    (cond ((>= (length edittee-history) 2)
			   (select-window win code x y)
			   (save-edittee-to-file output-file-name message)
			   (pop edittee-history)
			   (comment print edittee-history)
			   (let ((next (pop edittee-history)))
			     (comment print (list 'next next))
			     (initialize-edittee next))))))
   (put-winprop next-edittee 'button-press-handler
		#'(lambda (win code x y)
		    (select-window win code x y)
		    (save-edittee-to-file output-file-name message)
		    (let ((name (read-string-from-kinput skeleditor)))
		       (if (boundp (intern name))
		       (setq name (read-string-from-kinput skeleditor)))
		      (initialize-edittee (intern name))))))
    (comment setq edit-test-menu
	     (create-menu skeleditor 0 0 black white kanji-font roupe-cursor
			  (kumiawase       "?組合せ表示?")
			  (next-edittee    "新しい漢字の編集")
			  (sub-prim-edit   "プリミティブ編集")
			  (motohe-modoru   "一つ前の漢字編集")
			  (nop-nop-nop     "一一一一一一一一")))


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