[wadalabfont-kit] / jis2prim / PatMatchTest.h  

View of /jis2prim/PatMatchTest.h

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Revision: 1.2 - (download) (as text) (annotate)
Fri Feb 22 12:03:48 2002 UTC (23 years ago) by ktanaka
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +7 -0 lines
*** empty log message ***
#ifndef _PAT_MAT_TEST_H
#define _PAT_MAT_TEST_H
#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
#include <cppunit/TestCaller.h>
#include <cppunit/TestSuite.h>
#include <cppunit/TestResult.h>
#include <cppunit/TextTestRunner.h>
#include "PatMatch.h"

using namespace CppUnit;

class PatMatchTest : public TestCase {
  BitmapFont *a;
  PatMatch *pat1,*pat2;
  void setUp(){

    a=new BitmapFont(24,24,"000006FFFFFF00C30000C30000C30000C30020C30C3FFFFE30C30C30C30C30C30C30C30C30C30C30C30C3FFFFC30C30C00C30000C30000C30000C30000C30000C306FFFFFF000000");
    pat1=new PatMatch(3,3,
    pat2=new PatMatch(4,3,
  void tearDown(){
    delete a; delete pat1; delete pat2;
  void testShow(){
    cout << *pat1 << '\n';
    vector<pixel> ps=pat1->getPixels(10,10);
    vector<pixel>::iterator it;
      cout << '(' << it->first << ',' << it->second << ')';
    cout << '\n';
  void testMatch(){
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pat1->isMatch(*a,-1,0) == true );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pat1->isMatch(*a,0,0) == false );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pat2->isMatch(*a,7,0) == true );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pat2->isMatch(*a,7,6) == false );
  static Test *suite(){
    TestSuite *suiteOfTests = new TestSuite;
    suiteOfTests->addTest (new TestCaller<PatMatchTest>("testShow", &PatMatchTest::testShow));
    suiteOfTests->addTest (new TestCaller<PatMatchTest>("testMatch", &PatMatchTest::testMatch));
    return suiteOfTests;

#endif /* _PAT_MAT_TEST_H */


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